Men’s Health in Las Vegas, NV
Sometimes a man only wants to see a man for his medical needs. Sometimes he only wants to see a woman. Every man wants to feel good, look great, and enjoy healthy relationships. You can be young and strong, middle aged and sexually mature, a devoted family man, or going on in your years, sure you’ve still got it. We have a team of specialists so you can confidently and privately be your most optimal version of you.
Men's Fitness
Your wellness matters. We’re here to help strong athletes, fitness buffs, and those who just want to get into shape. All of our appointments are quick and tailored to your needs. Get a same day or same week appointment for all of your fitness and well care needs.
Aggression & Addiction
Aggression and addiction often go hand in hand. Most men hiding addiction or hating their own aggression need help, but how do you ask? Don’t lose your marriage, family or job over something we can help you fix. Call and ask to schedule a fitness check up or annual wellness visit. Once you’re inside, we can help you out.
Sex Drive
A man’s sex drive is one of his most valued treasures and genuine concerns. It isn’t always about a lack of performance, sometimes a man’s sex drive can lead to meaningless relationships or ruined marriages. Sometimes the drive interferes too much. Sometimes it barely exists because we’re scared. Sometimes due to health issues or age, it doesn’t exist at all. Don’t be ashamed! Don’t deal with this alone. Call us today. You don’t have to disclose what you need. Just schedule for routine fitness or annual visits. Once we’re in a private office, we’ll handle your needs with discretion and privacy to help you achieve better results and improved relationships.
Primary Care/Exercise/Routine Physical Exams
Our team of medical professionals is trained to get your fitness, health, and wellness back on track or to new heights. All ages welcome - boys, teens, and men - in a comfortable environment. Fitness check ups, health screenings, and routine physical exams for athletes.
Check-Ups for Sexual Health & Treatment
Get UP and Stay UP! Get motivated about your love life and your sexual health with our discreet professional examinations today! Take control and put yourself back in the driver's seat. Our sexual men's health exams are safe and confidential. We'll test for STDs, STIs, or just get your performance exactly where you want it to be.
Depression/Alcohol-Drug Addiction/Individual-Couples Therapy
Sometimes depression in men expresses itself in the form of aggression. No one wants to hear about their drinking problems and drug addiction - especially not from their family. We care! Our professionals will help you solve these problems the way men want to handle them. Individual or couples therapy will give you the advice you need to resolve problems in a healthy manner and on your terms.
We work with diabetic patients! Our men's health medical professionals provide outpatient evaluations, treatments, and ongoing education for adults with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, as well as pre-diabetic conditions. While diabetes is not curable, it is controllable. Take control today!! Work with our experienced providers to accomplish the goal of helping you lead self-monitoring techniques. Private, safe, confidential therapy or medication management helps individuals manage anger in a positive way. Improve personal relationships and gain control of your temper.
Domestic Violence/Aggression-Anger Management/Treatment & Medication
No one likes to lose control of their emotions. We all lose our tempers, but do you lose it too often? Are people you love hit when you're mad? Did you witness domestic violence? Want to stop? Improve communication, reduce impulsivity, understand triggers, and learn self-monitoring techniques. Private, safe, confidential therapy or medication management helps individuals manage anger in a positive way. Improve personal relationships and gain control of your temper.
Low T Treatments (TRT)/Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Only about 25% of men aged 30 or older seek treatment for sexual issues such as low-levels of testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Every man wants a satisfied partner. Age doesn't discriminate with wanting to last longer or feel stronger in the bedroom. Sunrise allows open honest dialogue to offer stellar treatment plans for urological issues. Treatment for ED and low T is performed privately, discretely, and in a comfortable environment where your needs are taken seriously.